VA Post Separation Transition Assistance Program (PSTAP) Assessment

OMB Control Number: 2900-0864

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is interested in learning how Service members transition into civilian life after concluding their time in the military. You have been selected to participate in this survey and provide feedback on the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) even though you may have separated several years ago. Your responses will be used to make improvements to help Veterans transition to civilian life after their service. This survey is being conducted by Economic Systems Inc., an independent consulting company, and their subcontractor, Westat.

Your responses are voluntary, will be kept confidential (protected by law under the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 522a and section 5701 of Title 38 of the United States Code), and will only be used for statistical purposes. The estimated time to complete this survey is 15-20 minutes. Your feedback is very important to us.

If you are in need of immediate assistance with a crisis, please call the VA Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1.

If you have any questions about the survey, please call 1-855-252-5725 or email Your participation is very much appreciated.

If you need assistance with any VA program or have general VA questions, please call the VA Assistance Line: 1-800-827-1000.

If you have any questions about your rights as a participant, please call the Westat Human Subjects Protections office at 1-888-920-7631 and let them know you are calling about the PSTAP survey.

Thank you for your interest in the PSTAP Survey. Survey administration for this year has ended.